Going Away Weekend

Hello friends!

I had the most amazing weekend. And now I need to tell you all about it.

This was my last weekend in Greensboro. Leon and I are moving next weekend, so this was our last chance to see all our friends before we left. It was also our last chance to get rip roaringly drunk with these people without having to worry about crashing somewhere. And oh boy, did I drink.

On Friday night we threw a House Cooling party. Leon filled the bar with the makings for a few classic cocktails. 
wooden bar living room
Have I mentioned how much I love our bar? Because it's beautiful.
I went through the kitchen and whipped up a bunch of food using things that I didn’t want to have to move. Our friends came over and we ate and drank and drank and drank.
instagram selfie usie

On Saturday night some of my friends from Crossfit threw me a going away party. The party was at one of their absolutely gorgeous homes and almost everyone from our very tight knit 6am class was there. We ate and drank and drank and talked about a sex dream I had about a couple of our coaches and then drank some more.
crossfit friends beautiful house

This weekend was so beyond amazing and I think my face in those two pictures says it all. I have accumulated the most wonderful, colorful, bizarre group of friends in Greensboro. They are weird and they couldn’t be more different from each other and they are some of the most caring people I’ve ever met. I consider myself so lucky to have met them and to have gotten to spend time with them.

Despite how amazing this weekend was, it made me a little sad. I’m sad that I’m not going to be able to call these people up and pop down the street for tacos with them anymore. I’m sad that I’m not going to be able to start my day by seeing all those wonderful faces at the gym. I’m realistic and I know that I’m not very good at keeping in touch, and that makes me sad.

I know that Raleigh is going to be an amazing adventure and that somewhere there is my next WOD partner and margarita date and shopping buddy, just waiting for me to meet them. But that doesn’t make leaving any easier.

So for now, I’m nursing a hangover and cherishing every moment I got to spend with these amazing people this weekend.

How was your weekend, friends?

Cheers, Kara

To Do List, Check In

Happy Friday friends!

I’ve got a ton to do today because Leon and I decided to throw a last minute House Cooling Party for ourselves tonight and I’ve got a lot of cleaning to do. Before I dive into the topic today, I really need to share these pictures:
ceramic clowns

I was at a thrift store on Thursday to buy a vase and came across all these clowns. So of course, tons of questions popped into my head.
  1. Did one person donate all these clowns? If so, why did they collect them all and then suddenly decide they didn’t want them? Or are these just part of a much, much larger collection?
  2. Were these donated by many people? If so, why do so many people in Greensboro collect clowns? And what made them stop?

Okay, that’s all for my clown tangent. Now onto my To Do list.

As you know, I threw the accountability gauntlet down on Sunday when I posted my To Do list for the week. So now, I want to wrap up the gauntlet throwing by showing you how I did on my list for the week.
to do list accountability check in
To Do, week of February 1
  • Make a plan for moving (depending on the outcome of the lease application we put in on Friday)

I’m going to call this one done. Leon and I got approved for a house, we signed the lease and got a move in date, and we updated our current landlord that we’re leaving. We still need to get all the utilities taken care of, but we have a plan.
  • Apply for a bunch of jobs

Half done. I applied for a handful of jobs, but there weren’t a ton posted this week that fit what I’m looking for. I probably could have done more, so I’m only counting it as half done.
  • Finish my Hubspot Inbound Marketing certification

Done! I finished the classes, passed the test on the first try, and updated my resume and LinkedIn profile.
  • Workout 5 times, including leading yoga for my Crossfit friends on Thursday

Done! This was an easy one because working out has become a habit for me.
  • Job interview on Wednesday, including all the pre-interview research

Done! This interview ended up being over three hours, but everyone I spoke with was very nice and passionate about the company, which made it pleasant. Plus I was totally on my game! I was so on my game that I impressed myself! I’m feeling cautiously optimistic.
  • Write and post the next post in my SMART Goals series

  • Dust all the weird places in my house that I never think to dust, like the baseboard heaters and the fan blades and the tops of picture frames

Almost done. I cleaned a lot yesterday and will be finished tonight before our friends come over, so this will be done within a couple hours.
  • Work on my budgeting spreadsheet, including getting Leon’s student loans figured out

This one didn’t happen at all. Despite the fact that writing that SMART Goals post got me jazzed beyond belief to make spreadsheets, I was missing a few keys things that kept me from #MakingMoves on this one. Maybe I’ll move it to next week.
  • Finalize the tent rentals for my wedding

Done. Paperwork and payments have been sent and received.
  • Send my sister the plan for her flower girl outfit

Done. I gave her the information and told her to find a dress. Given that she’s 15 years old, though, I anticipate that “flower girl outfit” will find its way onto my To Do list again soon.

While I didn’t finish everything on my list, I got a ton done, including a handful of things that weren’t on this list. And I managed to do it all while still making time for dance breaks, walk breaks, and Twitter breaks.

Moral of the story: you all are amazing accounta-buddies! Great job, friends!

How was your week? Were you as productive as you wanted to be? Are you about to productively down some drinks like I am?

Cheers, Kara

SMART Goal Setting: Two Mini Goals Make a House

Good day friends!

I’m back with the second installment of my SMARTing series. Today I’m talking about my big goal of buying a house and the two mini goals I’m creating to get Leon and myself financially secure enough to buy a house.

This is going to be kind of a long one, so grab some coffee. Or grab a drink and we’ll turn this isn’t a drinking game. Drink every time you read the word “goal.” I promise you’ll end up drunk by the end of this post.

SMART Goal Setting: Two Mini Goals Make a House

If you read the first post on the basics, you already understand the process of setting SMART goals. (Drink!) If you haven’t read the first post, I would suggest going back and starting there. Setting SMART goals isn’t rocket science, but a little extra pre-preparation never hurt anyone.

So for the sake of re-Secreting: my goal is to buy a house in the next 12-18 months. To do that Leon and I need to pay down some debt – mostly student loans – to improve our debt to income ratio (which I’ll be referring to as debt:income from now on) and save as much as possible to use as a down payment.

Step one: tackling debt.

Leon and I are not going to pay all our debt off before buying a house. College is expensive and we’re not suddenly making six figures each, so making that goal would be unRealistic. Instead, we’re making the goal of paying off our two smallest loans and putting a dent in the other two.

Below is the layout of our SMART goal.

(Caveat: I’m not going to share the real dollar amounts of our goals/debt. Your debt and goals are different from mine; so knowing mine will only serve to feed your voyeuristic nature. Also, fake numbers make for easier math.)

Specific: Pay down $15,000 in debt.
Meaningful: Aggressively paying down debt will improve our debit:income and get us one step closer to our house.
Measurable: Dollars are very measurable. And the spreadsheet with specific monthly dollar amounts for each loan is also very measurable.
Action-oriented: We have $8000 in savings, so once we take out $2000 to use as an emergency fund, we’re plopping $6000 directly into debt. That will be our payment for the first month and leave us with $9,000 to pay down. From there we’re going to put $825 towards debt for the remaining 11 months. This will cover more than the minimum monthly payments and we’ll make the payments in a Dave Ramsey Snowball fashion. (That link is to an explanation of Ramsey’s Debt Snowball.)
Yes, I realize that this is more than our goal, but I like easy numbers. So instead of paying $818.19 per month, we’re paying $825. An extra $75 won’t kill us, though.
Realistic: We built a strict, but doable budget. We built a little wiggle room for fun into our budget, plus we have that emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses.
Timely: We are giving ourselves 12 months to do this and we will be able to check in each month. I even made an awesome spreadsheet to hang on the fridge and every time we make a payment as planned we get to put a sticker on the spreadsheet.

Step two: saving as much as humanly possible.

This goal isn’t quite as set in stone as our debt goal. This goal represents the bare minimum since more savings is definitely a good thing, whereas we figured out that there isn’t much benefit to paying down more debt at the expense of our savings.

Specific: Save at least $16,000.
Meaningful and measurable: The amount that we save directly impacts the amount we can pay for a house, since we want to put a large percentage down. So this is a hugely meaningful goal. And again, dollars and my nerdy spreadsheets are immensely measurable.
Action-oriented: Our budget has allowed for $2250 per month to be put towards debt and savings, so with our debt plan in place we’ll have $1425 per month to put into savings. We’re going to start this goal a month after we start our debt goal so that we have money for all those fun moving expenses, so we’ll have 11 months to get to our goal.
This still leaves a $325 gap, but I’m anticipating with birthday money and wedding gifts and Christmas bonuses and picking up change off the street, we’ll be able to make up that gap and then some.
Realistic: This amount is just a hair below being difficult. So $16,000 is without a doubt obtainable. Like I said before, though, this amount is the bare minimum.
Timely: Our plan for this mini goal runs for 12 months. Since our over-arching house buying goal gives us 12-18 months to buy a house, if we find that after 12 months we want to build up more of a down payment we’ll continue the same debt and savings plan for another 6 months.

Okay! Those are my mini goals. They are not exactly fun, because living with a super tight budget is pretty much never fun. They definitely don’t guarantee that we’ll be successful in buying a house, but we still stand a significantly better chance if we can stick to these goals (or at least in very close proximity to these goals). And that makes it worth it to me!

If you read all the way through to this point you are amazing. And if you were playing the drinking game version you are very drunk, because I said “goal” 23 times. Either way, thank you!

Cheers, Kara

Here's Some Great News

Hello my most wonderful friends!

I am in a beyond fantastic mood today! So many great things are happening and I want to share the happiness. I’m pushing the very educational SMART goals post I had written to tomorrow and instead sharing with you a random assortment of great news and fun pictures and other things to make you smile.

Here’s this tweet:

I checked and that URL does actually re-direct you to Trump’s Wikipedia page. This is both a wonderful idea and factually accurate.

Here’s a selfie I took the other day:

When I sent it to a friend she said that I looked remarkably more put together than usual. I said, “that’s what you get with a face full of makeup and bad lighting.” Clearly, my friends are very nice to me.

Here’s some great news:

Leon and I finally have a house to move into! After weeks of driving to Raleigh every other day and looking at so many houses, we put in an application and got approved. Now we have a move-in date and I feel like we can stop living in limbo.

Here’s some more great news:

I have a second interview tomorrow. I am being cautiously optimistic about this job. A career counselor once told me that on average a person has to interview for six jobs before getting an offer, and this will be my fourth job interview. And while I know that I am seriously impressive and far advanced in everything I do (just ask my mom), I would be way ahead of the curve if I actually get this job. But even still, I’m being cautiously optimistic.

Here’s my lunch:

The power unexpectedly went out last night, so Leon and I had to go out to dinner, and these are the leftovers. There are few things that I love more than leftover Mexican food. 

Here’s a succulent:

I am notoriously bad at keeping houseplants alive. I could show you some half-dead cacti that would make you very sad. But I have kept this little baby alive since my friend’s bridal shower back in the fall, and that makes me very proud.

That’s all the great, amazing news I have for the day. I am so happy and giddy and I am definitely dancing around the house to Meghan Trainor (my newest guilty pleasure). And let me tell you, my dance moves are show stopping!

Share some great news and funny things with me, friends. Let’s keep these good feelings going!

Cheers, Kara