To Do List, Check In

Happy Friday friends!

I’ve got a ton to do today because Leon and I decided to throw a last minute House Cooling Party for ourselves tonight and I’ve got a lot of cleaning to do. Before I dive into the topic today, I really need to share these pictures:
ceramic clowns

I was at a thrift store on Thursday to buy a vase and came across all these clowns. So of course, tons of questions popped into my head.
  1. Did one person donate all these clowns? If so, why did they collect them all and then suddenly decide they didn’t want them? Or are these just part of a much, much larger collection?
  2. Were these donated by many people? If so, why do so many people in Greensboro collect clowns? And what made them stop?

Okay, that’s all for my clown tangent. Now onto my To Do list.

As you know, I threw the accountability gauntlet down on Sunday when I posted my To Do list for the week. So now, I want to wrap up the gauntlet throwing by showing you how I did on my list for the week.
to do list accountability check in
To Do, week of February 1
  • Make a plan for moving (depending on the outcome of the lease application we put in on Friday)

I’m going to call this one done. Leon and I got approved for a house, we signed the lease and got a move in date, and we updated our current landlord that we’re leaving. We still need to get all the utilities taken care of, but we have a plan.
  • Apply for a bunch of jobs

Half done. I applied for a handful of jobs, but there weren’t a ton posted this week that fit what I’m looking for. I probably could have done more, so I’m only counting it as half done.
  • Finish my Hubspot Inbound Marketing certification

Done! I finished the classes, passed the test on the first try, and updated my resume and LinkedIn profile.
  • Workout 5 times, including leading yoga for my Crossfit friends on Thursday

Done! This was an easy one because working out has become a habit for me.
  • Job interview on Wednesday, including all the pre-interview research

Done! This interview ended up being over three hours, but everyone I spoke with was very nice and passionate about the company, which made it pleasant. Plus I was totally on my game! I was so on my game that I impressed myself! I’m feeling cautiously optimistic.
  • Write and post the next post in my SMART Goals series

  • Dust all the weird places in my house that I never think to dust, like the baseboard heaters and the fan blades and the tops of picture frames

Almost done. I cleaned a lot yesterday and will be finished tonight before our friends come over, so this will be done within a couple hours.
  • Work on my budgeting spreadsheet, including getting Leon’s student loans figured out

This one didn’t happen at all. Despite the fact that writing that SMART Goals post got me jazzed beyond belief to make spreadsheets, I was missing a few keys things that kept me from #MakingMoves on this one. Maybe I’ll move it to next week.
  • Finalize the tent rentals for my wedding

Done. Paperwork and payments have been sent and received.
  • Send my sister the plan for her flower girl outfit

Done. I gave her the information and told her to find a dress. Given that she’s 15 years old, though, I anticipate that “flower girl outfit” will find its way onto my To Do list again soon.

While I didn’t finish everything on my list, I got a ton done, including a handful of things that weren’t on this list. And I managed to do it all while still making time for dance breaks, walk breaks, and Twitter breaks.

Moral of the story: you all are amazing accounta-buddies! Great job, friends!

How was your week? Were you as productive as you wanted to be? Are you about to productively down some drinks like I am?

Cheers, Kara

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