Accounta-buddy Check In

Hi friends!

I’m fighting the Sunday night slump by focusing on how amazingly productive I’ve been today.

That must mean it’s time to catch up on my self-imposed accountability challenge. Ready…set…recap!
accountability to do list recap

  • Write meta descriptions: nope

I was about to do this right now, but I’m realistic that my time and energy is waning and if I wrote those descriptions I wouldn’t have written this post. So this did not happen.
  • Add more meals to the plan: yes!

I added all the salads I wanted to, plus a couple extra snacks that I wasn’t planning on adding, and got the plans emailed out today. I’m pretty thrilled with the meal plans and prep plans that I created for my friends this week. The calories are right on point, there are a ton more vegetables, and they’re significantly less grain heavy.
  • Attend my work event: yup

Leon was my date on Wednesday for cocktails and snacks and schmoozing.
  • Pay water bill: done

I’m loving this whole not waiting until the very last minute to pay bills thing.
  • Buy plane tickets for New York in July: yes

Nothing like getting to the very end of the buying process and having Delta tell you that the ticket price went up in the time it took you to fill out all the dumb forms. So we’re flying American.
  • Alter my skirt: kind of

I put the skirt on to mark where I needed to move the buttons to and it fit perfectly. Either I gained weight or I didn’t tuck my shirt in when I tried it on the first time around. I’m pretty fine either way so I’m counting this as kind of done.
  • Write my follow up post: almost done

Give me a few more sentences and this one will be done.

Granted, I did a lot of these things today. Suddenly Leon and I became very popular this week with birthday drinks one night, overnight guests two different nights, and a housewarming party, so all my tasks got pushed until today. I’m pretty okay with that, though.

I’m especially okay with that because it means that I feel freshly productive and capable for the week ahead.

So tell me, friends, what’s your Sunday ritual? Grocery shopping? Chores? Sunday funday?

Cheers, Kara

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